Chicheley Hall wedding photography – I was recommended by Joe’s photographer mum, to meet Joe and Bianca to photograph their wedding, which I did a few months before their wedding. After booking, we stayed in touch and as their day got closer we spoke a few times to ensure what they wanted on the day. The months soon passed and on their wedding day I arrived at the beautiful Chicheley Hall, greeted by sunshine and a very happy bride and her bridesmaids getting ready in the stunning bridal suite. Joe and his groomsmen arrived and Joe in his meticulous organising way instructed and over saw everything. There was time for him to greet family and friends and spend time with them in the bar before the ceremony. Their day ticked all the boxes for a good wedding, a happy, loving couple who enjoyed the whole day. Fun, animated guests who laughed and enjoyed. A beautiful venue, which gave opportunity for guests to sit outside, a ceremony and breakfast room with great light and space and sunshine, which allowed everyone to enjoy the whole venue.
A smile that says so much about how the Bride was feeling. Her beautiful dress was hanging in a private room and it was a chance for her to spend a few minutes reflecting.
bride smelling her freshly delivered wedding bouquet, which included pink Carnations, to remind her of her mum.
Carefully chosen flowers and shoes, sat with the gifts from her brothers and perfume from the groom.
It’s always dreadfully sad for couples when loved ones aren’t with them for their day, Bianca chose this special pin and flowers to remember her mum.
Bianca chose great bridesmaids, friends from school days, who looked after her well all day. Ensuring her dress was smoothed out, that she had drinks and food
The bridal suite was bathed in beautiful natural light and the girls were so relaxed, while they got ready.Hairdresser Joanna Curley from the Beauty Works at Towcester was also great to work with and created great styles for the bride and bridesmaids. Not only did they look gorgeous, their hair didn’t restrict their faces, which is so important in natural photography and also stayed in place all day. So often I’m laden with hair grips at weddings, pinning loose curls back into place.
The groom and his dad arrived in ample time and enjoyed overseeing the preparations, as well as having a drink in the bar.
Bianca taking a moment before she put on her dress.
A beautiful room for Bianca to get dressed in. Chicheley Hall not only has some lovely rooms, but also has stunning grounds.
The moment when the young woman becomes a bride.
Bianca and her bridesmaids took time to really enjoy the preps, her bridesmaids all helping her to dress and enjoy the moment.
I always find the moment when a bride sees herself for the first time, dressed, hair and makeup done to be an emotional time. All the months of planning, shopping and researching their bridal items coming together and it hits them with the realisation of taking their vows.
Bianca’s dear dad was hit with emotion on seeing his only daughter as a bride, her aunt handed out tissues to all in the room, including me.
The joy on the bride’s face says it all. I do love using mirrors to capture reactions.Bianca’s dear mum’s favourite flowers took pride of place in her bouquet.
Chichely Hall’s beautiful staircase, bathed in sunlight and art gave a perfect backdrop to Bianca’s dad walking her down to the ceremony.
One of the benefits of working with a second photographer – being able to capture two very different angles of the same moment.
First kiss as man and wife
The bride taking some timeout with her brothers